If you are selling product that are available in multiple different sizes, Udo has a Multi-Size product plugin that automatically manages the individual sizes of your product using a size list. An example of how this could be used is you are selling T-Shirts in Extra Small, Medium and Large, Extra Large etc.

To Setup a new Size List

  • Login to your website Admin area

  • Go to Products, then Size Lists

  • Click the Green Create Size List at the top of the list, this will create & open a New Size List item

  • Enter a name for this list of sizes in the Title field

  • Under the Size List section, click the Green Add button for each size that you need for this size list

  • Give each Size an Identifier (added to the end of the product name) and Size Code Suffix (added to the product code)

To Create a new Product with Multiple Sizes

  • Login to your website Admin area

  • Go to products, then Multi-Size Products

  • Click the Green Create button at the top of the list, this will create & open a New Multi-Size Product item

  • Enter a name for this product in the Title field

  • Enter a Summary of the product if required

  • Enter the Product Code

  • Enter the Price (ex-GST) amd the GST component of the price

  • Enter the shipping Weight, Height, Width & Depth including all packaging

  • Under Sizes, select the Size List applicable

  • Click the sizes that you are selling

  • Go Live