This article covers how to use Form variables in the following places:

  • Form Email Subject Field
  • Transactional Email Subject Field
  • Transactional Email Body

User who completed the form

Please Note: This only works if your form has an email field with the field name set to 'email'.

  • Email Address: {$[user]-!useremail}
  • First Name: {$[user]-!userfirst}
  • Last Name:  {$[user]-!userlast}
  • Full Name including Title  {$[user]-!title}
  • Phone No:  {$[user]-!userphone}

User who the email is being delivered to

Please Note: These tags can ONLY be used in the Email Message Body, they will not work in the Subject.

  1. First Name: *|FNAME|*
  2. Last Name: *|LNAME|*
  3. Full Name including Title: *|TITLE|*
  4. Email Address: *|EMAIL|*
  5. Phone Number: *|PHONE|*
  6. Mobile Phone: *|MOBILE|*
  7. Notes on User: *|NOTES|*

Data Entered into the Form

To get the data that was entered into the form you need to know the field name. Field names are set on the individual form fields using the 'Field Name' button in the form builder. Once you know this name you can access this data in any email template, or email subject that is sent as part of the form submission.

To access the field you write the variable in the follwing format:


Where fieldname is the name the field is identified by the form builder 'Field Name'.

Please Note: Field names can only start with letters, and contain a-z and the underscore character (_). If you have used other characters in your field name, you may run into problems accessing the field.


  1. Send Default Form Email with Subject including name of user who completed form:
    Note: Form Must contain First Name, Last Name & Email address field with default field names
    Form Email Subject: New Contact From {$[user]->userfirst} {$[user]->userlast}
  2. Include Users phone number on Email Message
    Note: Form must contain Email Address & Phone Number field with default field names.
    Add to Message Body: Phone Number: {$[user]->userphone}
  3. Send Default Form Email with Subject that includes Product Name where Product Name is a form field with field name of prodname:
    Form Email Subject: Product Enquiry for {$[data]-!prodname}