This document describes what the metadata fields in Udo are used for, and some tips on how they can affect your sites search engine optimisation (SEO).


The Title is used to name the page, this name is also used as the page name when attaching the page to a menu, and when working with the page via the admin area. It is recommended to keep the page name short so it fits in menus easily. 

Summary - 100-160 characters (20~30 words)

This should be a 100-160 character (20~30 word) summary of this pages content. It is often used for products and news/blog posts when displaying them as a grid on the website. This is also generally shown in search results under the result title and the text should relate to the content on the page. 

This text should both grap your visitors attention, while also including the important keywords to describe this pages content. The word order is important, the left most word has more 'weight' than the subsequent words, so dont start every title with your company name, or general words that are not specific to this pages content.

Titlebar - 60 characters (12 words)

The titlebar text is one of the most important components of SEO. It should be page specific using important keywords and key phrases that someone would search for in Google. It is also important that these keywords are being used in the page content. Search engines use the titlebar in their search results as well as the title when a visitor bookmarks the page in their browser. Good titlebar text is just below 60 chars, or up to 12 words.

This text should both grap your visitors attention, while also including the important keywords to describe this pages content. The word order is important, the left most word has more 'weight' than the subsequent words, so dont start every title with your company name, or general words that are not specific to this pages content.


Tags are words, with no spaces between them, that you can use to organise content in your website. Eg. you may want to show carousel of your newest products, so tagging some product with a 'new-product' tag would allow you to create a carousel and filter with that tag.


A code is used to identify products uniquely so even if products have very similar descriptions, you always know which product you are talking about. Note: When importing and exporting, having a unique code is invaluable, it ensures that when you update a product you are always updaing the correct product, even if the product name has been changed.

Text Based URL (URL Alias)

This field allows you to override the URL that to access this page. This allows you to include relevant keywords as part of the url.

To take full advantage of the url, ensure that it contains relevant keywords to match the content of the page. The page url is taken into consideration by search engines when ranking your page.

Sort Order

The Sort Order field allows you to manipulate the position when showing a list of items. This allows you for instance to always have the 'Home' page as the first page on the menu, but settings the Home pages sort order to the highest number. Be default pages are ordered by the highest sort order first, and then for equal sort orders, the pages are sorted alphabetically by page title (name).

Enabled Flag

The enable flags allows items to be hidden from view on your website, without deleting them. This is a great way to author a new page that you are not ready to show to all visitors. When a page is disabled, all buttons and images that are linked to it will be hidden, and it wont show up in menus, carousels, or content filters.

Please be aware that disabling a page that has an established page rank will hurt the ranking each time the search engine visits your site. Each time a search engine tries to access your 'disabled' pages, the page will lose rank, because its content is hidden. Best to avoid disabling things for more than a few days, if they hold good information, that is still accurate or relevant.